速報APP / 教育 / Rice Maps

Rice Maps





版本需求:Android 3.0 以上版本


Rice Maps(圖1)-速報App


Rice Maps(圖2)-速報App

This app is no longer supported (class data will no longer be updated). Instead, use Rice Utilities, which contains all of the same functionality and more.

Rice Maps(圖3)-速報App


Rice Maps(圖4)-速報App

Rice Maps is an interactive mapping service designed to help new and current students locate Rice University buses, buildings, and classes.

Rice Maps(圖5)-速報App

Current features:

Rice Maps(圖6)-速報App

-Color coded shuttles are mapped and updated in real time

Rice Maps(圖7)-速報App

-Autocomplete makes searching for places easy

Rice Maps(圖8)-速報App

-Users can search buildings using building codes (e.g. "SEW" will show Sewall Hall on the map)

Rice Maps(圖9)-速報App

-Users can find locations of classes using course number or professor (e.g. "CHEM 121 Tran" will bring up a building on the map)

-Users can click on buildings or other locations to see their names

-Over 125 unique locations, with more to be added in the future.

Rice Maps was originally developed during the 2014 HackRice Hackathon competition by four Rice students: Daniel Williams (PHYS '17), Ethan Frederic (COMP '17), Nathan Bucki (MECH '17), and Sujay Tadwalkar (ELEC '17). At the competition the app won the "Makes Life Easy Award." Rice Maps is still being improved upon by the creators, and is becoming a widely used application in the Rice community.